Copyright warning notices

The University is required to display copyright warning notices near all photocopying, scanning, computing and audio-visual machines. The notices are to make the users of those machines aware of the potential for copyright infringements. The University may be liable for infringement of copyright by providing copying and electronic equipment without supervision or without taking adequate steps to warn users of the copyright implications of their copying practices.

Copyright Regulations notice

There is a prescribed notice under the Copyright Act 1968, warning users against unauthorised copying (titled Copyright Regulations). This notice should be displayed near all photocopying, scanning and computing equipment. As well as displaying this notice, it is also necessary that staff be aware that knowledge of a person's intention to make infringing copies without acting to prevent such copying can amount to liability for the institution and the person making the copy.

Audio-Visual notice

There is a second prescribed notice under the Copyright Act 1968 (titled Audio-Visual Notice), which must be placed on all machines that may be used to copy audio-visual works.

Copying for teaching purposes only notice

The University pays annual fees to the Copyright Agency Limited to enable us to copy print works, within certain limits, for educational purposes. These limits are set out in another notice (titled Copying for Teaching Purposes Only.) This notice should be displayed near departmental copiers and in areas where teaching materials are prepared.

Please ensure all copying equipment in your area is accompanied by the appropriate copyright warning notice as set out above.

Copyright notices and formsDirections for use
Copyright Regulations Notice (PDF 211KB)Display near all University-owned photocopying, scanning and computing equipment.
Copyright Permission Request Form (DOC 23KB)As an alternative to copying under the CAL agreement, you may seek permission from the copyright owner
Audio-Visual Copying and Communication Electronic Notice (PDF 120KB)For full information on the use of this notice, please read the Print & Digital Copying Information Sheet (PDF 159KB).
Print & Digital Copying Electronic Notice (PDF 111KB) For full information on the use of this notice, please read the Print & Digital Copying Information Sheet (PDF 159KB).
Print and Digital Copying and Communication Information Sheet (PDF 159KB)Information about copying and communicating under the University's Agreement with CAL