V.G. Elliott
As University Librarian Vic faced many environmental upheavals such as the 2003 Canberra Bushfires, which devastated the University's Mt Stromlo observatory about a month before Vic began his duties as Director of Scholarly Information Services, and the 2007 flooding of the Chifley Library, which damaged around a thousand books and parts of the building.
He was known for his interest in being a friend as well as a professional: taking a sincere interest in getting to know colleagues on a personal basis and communicating as an equal rather than as the boss (often while indulging in a well-remarked fondness for the fruits of viticulture and discussing the finer points of football and fishing). Unequivocally recognised as open to hearing (and taking seriously) the opinions of all staff across the University, well-loved as a good-humoured and gentle-natured character.
Text: ANU E Press Team 2011 Vic Elliott