Teaching academics
Learn how to use the scholarly information services you will need for your teaching, and how to navigate the Library branches and collections.

Learn how to create and edit reading lists with links to library resources such as journal articles, books and e-books, digitised material, and open…

Find & access
Search the Library's collection of e-journals, e-resources and databases and find subject-specific resources.

Research & learn
Improve you and your students learning skills with training offered by the ANU Library.

Subject guides
Find subject-specific guides and resources on a broad range of disciplines.

Subject contacts
Subject specialist Library staff are available to support your teaching – including delivering in-curriculum teaching!

Suggest a purchase
ANU staff and students may suggest items to be purchased for the Library Collection.

Library branches
Discover the location, collections and contacts for each of our specialised library branches.

Opening hours
Find out when each specialised Library branch is open and the opening hours for upcoming public holidays.
- ANU Library