What does copyright protect?
Material protected by copyright is divided into two broad categories of subject matter: works and subject matter other than works. Copyright protection of works protects…
The material available from The Australian National University (ANU) website comes from a number of sources including staff and students at the University, third parties who have given permission for use of their material, and material copied under statutory licences.
Accordingly, no material available from the University site may be copied, reproduced or communicated without the prior permission of the University.
General principles
cite all material that you use correctly to clearly attribute through accurate referencing
ensure that if you use a "substantial" part of a work you have the right to use it in…
General principles
cite all material that you use - reference accurately
ensure that if you use a "substantial" part of a work you have the right to use it in your publications or thesis
General principles
cite all material that you use - reference accurately
ensure that if you use a "substantial" part of a work you have the right to use it in your publications
make copies of…
General principles
cite all material that you use - reference accurately
make material available to students in accordance with licenses, fair dealing or other permissions
link to library…
The University provides a range of systems and advice to support use of published material for education purposes.You can make material available through the Library’s e-reserve system, direct links…
Works can be digitised and made available (communicated) to students or the world under a range of provisions under the Copyright Act 1968. Be aware however that there are works that the…
ANUCopyright and disclaimer noticeIntellectual Property policySoftware agreementsInformation Infrastructure and Services RulesAustraliaADA/ALCC Flexible DealingArts Law Centre of AustraliaAustralian…
Requests for permission for use of the material should be made to:
- University Librarian