


All Australian National University theses are in digital form. You can search for them online through the theses collection in ANU Open Research, and are also searchable via the Library Catalogue.

The majority of ANU theses are openly accessible but a small number are restricted due to cultural sensitivities, copyright controls or other restrictions.

Digital theses

Digital theses can be searched online through the theses collection in ANU Open Research.

The Australian National University Library’s theses collection holds the research output of the University’s academic community over the last 60 years. The first ANU thesis was awarded in 1953.

By digitising its print theses collection, ANU Library delivers the University’s unique and original research in a freely available, open access online collection. Digital delivery expands engagement with the Library’s collections, provides visibility to the university’s scholarship, and supports the careers of its academic community.


The majority of theses are openly accessible; however, some may not be available under open access conditions due to author or copyright restrictions.

If an author wishes to restrict access to their thesis (or part of it), they can elect to do so as part of the online submission process. If after 12 months an extension to that restriction is required, a new application must be completed.

In the case of a Higher Degree by Research thesis, approval is required from the Dean, Higher Degree Research and can be sought by filling out an Extension of Thesis Restriction of Access Request Form or emailing If approved, the Open Research team will be notified and restrict access to the online version of your thesis in line with the decision made.

Read our Restriction Infosheet for more information about applying for restrictions on theses.

Hard copy theses

Hard copy theses can be requested for reading within the Library, but cannot be borrowed.

The majority of theses are available for research or study, however some may not be available due to author or copyright restrictions.

To check whether access restrictions apply to a particular thesis, ask at the Menzies Library Information Desk or email the ANU Library.

Non-ANU readers are advised to check in advance whether they will be granted access to a particular thesis.

Location of hard copy theses

  • ANU Doctoral and Masters’ theses (1953-2018) – Menzies Library
  • Master of Law and International Law theses (pre-October 1987) – Law Library
  • ANU Honours theses – held by the ANU Colleges
  • ANU Law Honours theses (selected) – Law Library or online through ANU Open Research
  • Non-ANU theses (without access restrictions) are on the open shelves.
