Art & Music Library

The Art & Music Library is currently closed because of the hail remediation work on the building. We will provide updates throughout this process. 

You will continue to have access to subject specialist staff at the Chifley Library. 

A range of reference and highly used resources from the art and music collections have been relocated and are accessible at the Chifley Library.

You can still access items in the collection by making a retrieval request via the library catalogue.

The return chute at the School of Art & Design building is currently closed. Please return items to one of our other branches. 

The ANU Library provides collections and services to support staff and students at the School of Art & Design and the School of Music.

This include free membership to Visual Arts Access & Open School of Music students.

ACT schools and incorporated musical groups may borrow orchestral and choral sets for a fee.


Visual art, design, new media:

  • exhibition catalogues
  • image databases


  • classical, jazz, popular, world
  • scores and performance materials
  • recordings - CDs & DVDs
  • music streaming databases


Art and Music Library
 +61 2 6125 9577

Today's opening hours

  • closed

    Find out more about our opening hours here.

Primary contact

  •  Art and Music Library
     +61 2 6125 9577