Bibliography of relevant works in the ANU library
King George V
- The British Isles, 1901-1951. Edited by Keith Robbins. New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. (CHIFLEY DA566 .B76 2002)
- Buchan, John. The King's Grace, 1910-1935. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1935. (CHIFLEY DA573.B8)
- Davis, John. A history of Britain, 1885-1939. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1999. (CHIFLEY DA566 .D38 1999)
- The Edwardian age : conflict and stability, 1900-1914 Edited by Alan O'Day. London : Macmillan, 1979. (CHIFLEY DA570.E3)
- Edwardian England. Edited by Donald Read. London : Croom Helm in association with the Historical Association, c1982. (CHIFLEY DA570.E38)
- Fulford, Roger. Hanover to Windsor. London : B.T. Bataford, 1960. (CHIFLEY DA550.F8)
- Halperin, John. Eminent Georgians : the lives of King George V, Elizabeth Bowen, St. John
- Philby, and Nancy Astor. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1995. (CHIFLEY DA568.A1H35 1995)
- His Imperial Majesty King George V and the princes of India and the Indian Empire : historical-biographical. Compiled by K. R. Khosla; edited by R. P. Chatterjee. Lahore : The Imperial Publishing Co., 1937. (CHIFLEY Bliss large OM K45h)
- The historical record of the Imperial visit to India, 1911 : compiled from the official records under the orders of the viceroy and Governor-General of India. London : Pub. for the Govt of India by John Murray, 1914. (CHIFLEY Bliss large KWl H673)
- Jebb, Richard. His Britannic Majesty : a political view of the Crown in the Jubilee Year, 1935. London : [R. Jebb?], 1935 (St Albans, [England] : Gibbs & Bamforth) (CHIFLEY pamphlet DA576.J42 1935)
- Marriott, John Arthur Ransome, Sir. Twenty-five years of the reign of King George V: a silver jubilee memorial. London : Methuen, 1935. (CHIFLEY DA573.M3 1935)
- Nicolson, Harold George, Sir, 1886-1968. King George the Fifth : his life and reign. London, Constable, 1952. (CHIFLEY DA573.N5)
- Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey. Recollections of three reigns. Prepared for press with notes and an introductory memoir by Colin Welch. London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951. (CHIFLEY DA566.9.P58A3; CHIFLEY Bliss L9 P799)
- Rose, Kenneth. King George V. London : Weidenfeld And Nicolson, 1983. (CHIFLEY DA573.R67 1983)
- Sinclair, David. Two Georges : the making of the modern monarchy. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1988. (CHIFLEY DA576.S57 1988)
Ranas of Nepal
- Nepal rediscovered : the Rana court 1846-1951 : photographs from the archives of the Nepal Kingdom Foundation. Edited by Padma Prakash Shreshta. London : Serindia, c1986. (MENZIES large book DS493.7.N46 1986)
- Pramode Shamshere Rana. Rana Nepal : an insider's view. Kathmandu : R. Rana, [1978]. (MENZIES DS495.3.P7)
- Rana, Padma Jang Bahadur. Life of Maharaja Sir Jung Bahadur, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., etc., etc., of Nepal. Allahabad : The Pioneer Press, 1909. (MENZIES DS495.33 .J34R36 1909)
Satish Kumar. Rana polity in Nepal : origin and growth. Bombay : Asia Publishing House, [1967]. (MENZIES DS485.N4 .S2) - Sever, Adrian. Nepal under the Ranas. Sittingbourne : Asia Publishing House, 1993. (MENZIES DS495.3.S48 1993)
The Tarai
- Cost of cultivation of major crops in hills and Tarai regions of Nepal, 1971-72. Kathmandu : Dept. of Food & Agicultural Marketing Services, Economic Analysis Division, 1973. (CHIFLEY lge pamph HD2065.9.C67)
- Deo, Shantaram Bhalchandra. Archaeological investigations in the Nepal Tarai, 1964. Kathmandu : Dept. of Archaeology, His Majesty's Govt. of Nepal, 1968. (MENZIES lge pamph DS493.6.D46)
- Fuhrer, Alois Anton. Antiquities of Buddha Sakyamumi's birth-place in the Nepalese Tarai. Varanasi : Indological Book House, 1972. Reprint of work which was first pub. 1897 under title Monograph on Buddha Sakyamuni's birth-place in the Nepalese Tarai, and later suppressed. (MENZIES large book DS417 .I34 v.26)
- Gaige, Frederick H. National integration in Nepal : a study of the Nepal Tarai. Ann Arbor, Mich., Xerox University Microfilm, 1976. (MENZIES DS495.T27.G3 1976 pt.1 and 2)
Gaige, Frederick H. Regionalism and national unity in Nepal. Berkeley : University Of California Press, c1975. (MENZIES DS495.8.T37.G34) - Guneratne, Arjun. Many tongues, one people : the making of Tharu identity in Nepal. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2002. (MENZIES DS493.9.T47 G85 2002)
- Hasan, Amir. The Buxas of the Tarai : a study of their socio-economic disintegration. Delhi : B. R. Pub. Corp. ; New Delhi : D. K. Publishers' Distributors, 1979. (MENZIES DS432.B87 H37 1979)
Mustard marketing in western Tarai. Singha Durbar, [Nepal] : Ministry of Land Reform, Agriculture & Food Agricultural Economics Section, 1967. (CHIFLEY pamphlet HD9211.M883.N45) - Nepal, Sanjay Kumar, Karl E. Weber. Struggle for existence : park-people conflict in the Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Bangkok : Division of Human Settlements Development, Asian Institute of Technology, 1993. (HANCOCK SB484.N35N47 1993)
- Pokharel, Bindu. Rural poverty in the Eastern Tarai : a case study of Bastipur Village Panchayat. Kathmandu : Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, 1987. (CHIFLEY lge pamph HD2065.9.P65 1987)
- Purna Chandra Mukhopadhyaya. A report on a tour of exploration of the antiquities of Kapilavastu, Tarai of Nepal, during Febuary and March, 1899. Delhi : Indological Book House, 1969. Reprint of the 1901 ed. (MENZIES large book DS417 .I34 v.26 pt.1)
- Rakesh, Ram Dayal. Cultural heritage of Nepal Terai. Jaipur : Nirala Publications, 1994. (MENZIES DS495.8.T37 R37 1994)
Singh, Lekh Raj. The Tarai region of U.P.: a study in human geography. Allahabad : Ram Narain Lal Beni Prasad, [1965]. (CHIFLEY large book HC437.T3 .S5) - Subedi, Bhishma P., Chintamani L. Das and Donald A. Messerschmidt. Tree and land tenure in the Eastern Terai, Nepal : a case study from the Sihara and Saptari Districts, Nepal. Rome : FAO of the United Nations, [1993]. (CHIFLEY large book HD860.9.S82 1993)
- Campbell, Walter. My Indian journal. Edinburgh : Edmonston & Douglas, 1864. (CHIFLEY Bliss KWL C192)
- Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929. From Adams's Peak to Elephants: sketches in Ceylon and India. London : Swan Sonnenschein, 1892. (MENZIES DS413 .C28)
- Corbett, Jim. Jim Corbett's India : stories. Selected by R. E. Hawkins. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1978. (HANCOCK SK235.C67)
- Corbett, Jim. Man-eaters of Kumaon. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1979. (HANCOCK SK305.T5.C6)
- Elliott, James Gordon. Field sports in India : 1800-1947. With two chapters on pigsticking by C. R. Templer. London : Gentry Books, [1973]. (HANCOCK SK235.E49)
- Fraser, Thomas Gamble. Records of sport and military life in western India. London : W. H. Allen, 1881. (CHIFLEY Bliss KWL F842)
- Handley, Leonard Mourant H. Hunter's moon. London : Macmillan, 1933. (HANCOCK SK235.H35)
- Inglis, James. Sport and work on the Nepal frontier : or, Twelve years sporting reminiscences of an indigo planter. London : Macmillan, 1878. (CHIFLEY Bliss KWM I52)
- Kennion, Roger Lloyd. Diversions of an Indian political. Edinburgh : William Blackwood, 1932. (MENZIES DS413 .K4)
- Khan, Abdul Shakoor. Wild life and hunting. New Delhi : Light & Life Publishers, 1978. (HANCOCK SK305.T5.K43)
- Rana, Ina Shumshere and Mani Dixit. Those were the days. 1st ed. Kathmandu : Sharda Prakashan Griha, 1977. (HANCOCK SK247.N46.R36)
- Smythies, Olive. Ten thousand miles on elephants. London : Seeley Service, 1961. (MENZIES DS413.S68)
- Williamson, Thomas. Illustrations of Indian field sports : selected and reproduced from the coloured engravings first published in 1807 after designs by Captain T. Williamson of the Bengal army. London : A. Constable, 1892. (MENZIES DS428.W6)
Wilson, James Alban. Sport and service in Assam and elsewhere. London : Hutchinson, 1924. (HANCOCK SK235.W5)
Zetland, Lawrence John Lumley Dundas (Earl of Ronaldshay). Sport and politics under and eastern sky. Edinburgh : William Blackwood, 1902. (CHIFLEY Bliss KWI Z61s)
- Arjan Singh. Tiger! Tiger! London : Cape, 1984. (HANCOCK QL737.C23A75)
- Futehally, Zafar. Tiger. New Delhi : Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India, 1976. (HANCOCK pamphlet QL737.C23.F87)
- Mountfort, Guy. Saving the tiger. London : M. Joseph, 1981. (HANCOCK QL795.T5.M67)
- Mountfort, Guy. Tigers. Newton Abbot : David & Charles [1973]. (HANCOCK QL737.C23.M68)
- Perry, Richard. The world of the tiger. London : Cassell, [1964]. (HANCOCK QL737.C2.P4)
- Riding the tiger : tiger conservation in human-dominated landscapes Edited by John Seidensticker, Sarah Christie and Peter Jackson. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. (HANCOCK QL737.C23 R536 1999)
- Sankhala, Kailash. Tiger! : The story of the Indian tiger. New York : Simon And Schuster, c1977. (HANCOCK QL737.C23.S25)
- Schaller, George B. The deer and the tiger: a study of wildlife in India. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, [1967]. (HANCOCK QL751.S294)
- Tigers of the world : the biology, biopolitics, management, and conservation of an endangered species. Edited by Ronald L. Tilson, Ulysses S. Seal. Park Ridge, N.J. : Noyes Publications, c1987. (HANCOCK QL737.C23T475 1987)
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