Introduction to ArcGIS Pro (GIS400)

Date and times range

Learn to make simple maps with ArcGIS Pro software.

What: This course comprises 6 x 2.5-hour self-paced modules that teach core concepts and skills for map creation. In this course, you will learn core geographic information system (GIS) mapping skills, including how to create simple, static (non-interactive) maps for books and journal articles.

The course includes a series of online lectures, quizzes, readings and practical labs, which focus on producing maps in Esri's ArcGIS Pro software.

When: This course can be completed at your own pace.

Software requirements: ArcGIS Pro.

Please email the CartoGIS Services team to request enrolment in this course.



Note: this session is listed as occurring on 31 December as all events need a date, but this is a self-paced event that can occur at any time. 

Dates and times
