Meet the publisher - SAGE Publishing (How to publish in HASS at ANU)

  • Have you ever wondered what kind of article gets published and why?
  • Do you want guidelines from the publishers' perspectives and what catches our eyes?
  • Do you know how to select the right journal to submit your article to?

 If you have ever asked any of these questions before, then this is the talk for you.

International publishing company SAGE is delighted to support you with tips and share with you how to improve your success rate at getting your article published.

In the session, Rosalia da Garcia will go through the psychological aspects of a successful writer and why should you consider publication. Sharing with you specific tips on how to write an abstract, a good query letter to the journal editor, how to select journal to submit to, as well as how you should structure your article. She will also walk you through the process on a week by week basis from start to reviewing your opening and concluding the article.

About the speaker

As the Managing Director, SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd, Rosalia is responsible for the strategic direction of textbook and library business, as well as publishing development and marketing within the Asia Pacific region. Her role also involves cooperating with our partners and about the future of big data and publishing including Open Access. Rosalia also sits on the board of directors of SAGE Asia-Pacific. She is passionate about publishing and which she sees as a means of educating the future leaders and researchers of the world.


This event is being co-presented by ANU Library, ANU Press, PARSA, NECTAR and ANU Academic Skills.

This is part of an event series aimed at Humanaties, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) students at ANU. You might also like to attend the related panel event 'How to turn your thesis into a book' and the Academic Skills workshop.

Dates and times


Room: Lecture Theatre

