ANU world-class theses collection available online

19 Jun 2019

Providing open access to our ANU theses collection will expand engagement with our research, provide visibility to the ground-breaking work being done, and support the careers of the ANU academic community

Students and academics at the Australian National University have been producing significant and original research since the university first opened.

Much of this research was put forward in PhD and higher degree research theses – covering a wide range of topics, across many disciplines. These theses have made a huge impact to the economy, society, environment and culture beyond their contribution to academia.

ANU Provost Professor Mike Calford believes that ANU research has had an extraordinary impact around the world.

“One of the roles of a university is to transform society with our research,” said Professor Calford.

“I am very proud of the research generated by The Australian National University. The stock of knowledge produced by our researchers generates new ideas, revolutionises technology and helps to transform society.”

“But above that, I am incredibly proud of our students. ANU has produced not only world-class research, but world-class researchers, practitioners, academics and business people who have made important and transformative contributions to the community.”

The ANU Library has digitised the entire collection of theses developed by ANU PhD and research higher degree students. All those without restrictions have been made available online through the Open Research Repository, to increase their accessibility and research impact.

This is part of the University’s continued commitment to digitisation and providing access to our world-class research.

Professor Calford recognises the importance of the research recorded in the theses collection.

“We can clearly see the huge influence that ANU theses have made to modern research. Just last year we had over 935,000 downloads of ANU theses, and almost 90% of these were downloaded by researchers outside Australia.”

“This project will see research once largely hidden from view being exposed to people from all around the world. By making our unique and original research available in an open access collection, we boost research knowledge.”

University Librarian Roxanne Missingham is excited about the possibilities of greater access to ANU research.

“Providing open access to our ANU theses collection will expand engagement with our research, provide visibility to the ground-breaking work being done, and support the careers of the ANU academic community,” said Roxanne Missingham.

“We are also reducing barriers to access information. This will assist not only researchers, but those who are able to benefit from the outcomes of the research.”

The ANU Library will be showcasing some of the 13,000+ theses that you can now access online through the Open Research repository.

You will be able to see new theses online following the introduction of a new digital system to support higher degree students in the University.

You can search and browse to find a wealth of research in the ANU Library theses collection.