Art & Music Library update - June

28 Jun 2024

The Art and Music Library will reopen following ongoing construction work associated with hail remediation. A firm timeframe is not available as yet, with October 2024 being the latest advice provided in the 14 May 2024 On Campus – staff edition. The Library will continue to provide regular updates. 

Access to the collection for the purposes of providing a Click & Collect service is expected to resume in July. WHS checks will occur on 1 July to ensure safety of the area prior to Click & Collect services resuming. 

Further work removing the existing compactus units that are currently in the immediate vicinity of works will be dismantled and removed. The collection material in these units will also be rehoused, within the current Art & Music library space. At this stage it is anticipated that this work will take at least approximately twelve weeks to complete.

If you require materials that are currently located in the Art & Music Library, please contact and staff can advise when on when the material will be available. We will endeavour to continue to acquire e-copies, source material from other branches, locations or collections, or work with you to find alternate resources.