Cybernetics Display in the Hancock Library

07 Dec 2022

Come to the Hancock Library to view the new cybernetics exhibition.

Hancock Library has a huge collection of materials relating to cybernetics, and our staff are available to support you in your research.

A selection of these materials are on display in the foyer of the Hancock Library until late January 2023.

This display is timely, as there is an increased focus on the study of cybernetics and a growing demand for information on emerging technologies. The display also supports the official launch of the ANU School of Cybernetics and the name change of the ANU College of Engineering, Computer & Cybernetics (CECC). 

Hancock is open 24/7 to staff and students, so come check it out at a time convenient to you! 

If you would like more information about the cybernetics resources available from the ANU Library, browse our new cybernetics guide or book an appointment to speak with a subject specialist librarian.
