Developing a University wide Digital Master Plan
A University wide Digital Master Plan is under development – acting as a technological roadmap for the Australian National University.
A working group has been formed to work on the Digital Master Plan. This group will be working together to recommend a framework and policies, procedures and standards for adoption at the University; monitor, advise and make recommendations to the Chief Information Officer; and assist in progressing information and data governance.
The Data Working Group is made up of a range of representatives from across the University. The members are:
- Roxanne Missingham, University Librarian, Chief Scholarly Information Officer and Privacy Officer (Chair)
- Richelle Hilton, Director Performance Planning and Management
- Garry Whatley, Chief Information Officer
- Katherine Daniell, Graham Williams, Kerry Taylor, Andy Hogg, David Heslop, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Steven McEachern, Katrina Grant (academic representatives)
- Michael Martin (research ethics)
- Erica Goatcher-Bergmann, Suthagar Seevaratnam, Kathryn Dan (professional services representatives)
- Paul Oakes (Planning & Performance Measurement Division)
This group reports to the Digital Strategy Group and is liaising with Academic Board Data Governance group.
The Data Working Group are keen to hear from members of the ANU Community and to help address any issues going forward.