Digital centre at University of Yangon (Myanmar) delivered by ANU

12 Sep 2019

The Australian National University has delivered a new digital toolset for library education at the University of Yangon, Myanmar.

The University of Yangon is home to the oldest library education program in Myanmar. Graduates of Library and Information Studies take a leading role in preserving the knowledge of the nation, reaching back through history to manuscripts created before printing was available.

Digital capabilities and technologies are required to support these students, and help them transform Myanmar into a modern economy through public libraries, digital preservation and information skills.

Together, the University of Yangon and ANU have forged a partnership to bring digital library knowledge to the students undertaking this program.

A new digital centre has been opened at the University including a scanner, digital repository software and a computer. This equipment will enable lecturers to improve their digital literacy and pass this knowledge onto their students.

“It is a remarkable achievement” said Dr Ni Win Zaw, head of the Department of Library and Information Studies at the University of Yangon.

“This technology opens up new skills and programs that will equip students to assist in the transformation of education and industry in Myanmar.”

As project leader, ANU University Librarian Roxanne Missingham attended the opening of the digital lab in July.

“The generous support of our sponsors has enabled workshops on digital librarianship; engagement with leading libraries; and, a deep partnership with the library educators lead by Dr Ni Win Zaw,” said Roxanne.

“We are developing new skill sets that will help Myanmar step into the modern world. Graduates and teachers alike will be able to use digital literacy skills for education, industry, government and community activities.”

“Libraries are a vital part of our communities. They build social justice, strengthen civil society, and preserve knowledge. But our librarians need to be given the training, facilities and support to deliver these goals. Establishing this digital facility at the University of Yangon was a major step towards building the infrastructure to close the gaps identified in librarian education in Myanmar.”

This initiative is a program within the ANU Myanmar Research Centre, of which Roxanne Missingham is the Deputy Director.
