Getting your ORCiD digital identifier

20 Jul 2017

ANU encourages all researchers, including PhD students, academic staff and research-active professional staff, to register for an ORCID identifier and share your iD with us to assist in your research career.

ORCIDs are progressively being added to the University’s digital repository – Open Research – where your theses, conference papers, journal articles and book chapters can be made available to the world. ORCIDs will be fully integrated in the new Research Information Management System (RIMS).

What is an ORCID?

Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCID) is a global initiative that provides researchers with a free, unique identifier that can automatically link and attribute your research activities to you. By registering you automatically link to your research outputs from Scopus and Web of Science. Find out more

How can getting an ORCID iD help you?

  • ORCID is a single identifier that is used by the major citation services, publishers and increasingly funders to help identify individual researchers (including Web of Sciences and SCOPUS)
  • ORCID enables researchers to be associated with the publications, grants and awards that are theirs, reduces confusion over similar names, and prevents others claiming their research
  • Funders are increasingly requiring an ORCID ID, so researchers will need one for grant applications (yes, coming to an ARC and NHMRC near you)
  • Publishers are requiring an ORCID iD for manuscript submission and author/reviewer databases.

          See: ORCID Integration Chart

  • ORCID helps researchers automatically build their publication lists – generally a single click of a button aggregates publications to their profile

And of course it takes but a minute or two to set up a profile iD.

Remember to make your profile public and share your number with us! Sharing your ORCiD with the University will mean that we can reduce the duplicate work reporting publications and better manage your research profile.

For more information contact Elke Dawson, Manager, Open Research