Hail repair update

28 Jul 2023

Chifley Library 

  • We are very excited that the Chifley Library roofing project is now complete. 
  • We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone involved in this process, as well as all our library users for their patience.
  • Thank you in particular to the incredible contractors, who did an extraordinarily good job coping with adverse weather and the many challenges associated with this building.
  • Next time you are on campus, please take a moment to appreciate the beautiful new roof –  during sunrise or sunset the copper has a beautiful glow! 

Art & Music 

  • The branch will be closed on Saturday 5 August to allow for internal scaffolding to be built. 

Menzies Library 

  • The scaffolding is due to be finished this week, weather pending. 
  • Roofing work will begin next week, starting Monday 31 July. 
  • Internal shielding over the rare books collection was successfully installed. Any collection materials which aren’t currently under the internal shield will be moved before work starts. 
  • The air conditioning units on the roof are due to be replaced. 


  • Scaffolding will begin to be installed around the Law Library starting on the week of 14 August. It is anticipated it will take two weeks to install. 
  • It is likely that the Library will need to shut for a brief period during the end of August to early September. If this is the case, a book retrieval service will be in place. We will confirm as soon as possible. 
  • Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) has started being removed from roof, with all relevant safety precautions in place. 

Visit the hail repair updates webpage for more information about upcoming works. 

Please get in touch with Library staff if you have any questions or concerns. 


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