Hail repair update

17 Jan 2024

This is our first hail repair update for 2024.

Menzies Library

  • The Menzies Library has reopened. The new opening hours are 10am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. 
  • A crane will be onsite Wednesday 17 January from 6am to approximately 9am. 
  • Copper installers are currently onsite, and the copper roof installation is estimated to be finished by the end of February. 
  • Scaffolding will be installed on the western side of the building from next week. 
  • The final review of internal carpet and column painting will take place once the roofing is completed.

Law Library

  • Repairs to the roof are almost completed. 
  • Internal repairs to the ceiling will start at the end of January and take approximately 3 weeks.
  •  The Level 2 retrieval service remains in place. 
  • We are hopeful that Level 2 of the Law Library will be accessible to students in early March. We will keep you updated as dates are set.

Art & Music

This FAQ provides information on how to access books from the Art & Music Library.

Hancock Library

  • Levels 2 and 3 of Hancock East are closed for roof repairs. The rest of the library is still accessible 24/7.  
  • Levels 2 and 3 Hancock West can be accessed via the Hancock West entrance. This includes classrooms 2.22-2.28 and study rooms.


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