High Commission of India book donation

27 Jul 2021

The High Commission of India has generously donated a set of 51 books to the Australian National University.

These books were presented to the ANU Library by Ruchika Jain, First Secretary (Press Information Culture & Education), High Commission of India, Canberra, on 20 July 2021 at the RG Menzies Library.

The books consist of well-known titles in Hindi/English; regional classics; and books on popular Indian stories, penned by eminent Indian authors.

University Librarian Roxanne Missingham accepted the donation on behalf of ANU.

“We are very grateful to the High Commission of India for donating these works to the Library,” she said.

“These books will help our scholars, as well as Hindi speakers within the ANU community, to study the language while also learning more about traditional Indian stories and the authors who wrote them,”

“They will be a wonderful addition to our Hindi language resources and broader Asia Pacific collection.”

The books will be added to the Library’s Asia Pacific collection in the RG Menzies Library.

If you are interested in finding more Hindi Language resources available in the ANU Library, check out this very useful Hindi Language (Devanagari) subject guide which has been collated by our subject specialist librarians.


Group photo subjects:

  • Dr. Chris Diamond, Languages, School of Culture, History & Language, CAP
  • Mrs Miyuki Matthews, Information Access Officer, Scholarly Information Services / (Menzies) Library
  • Mrs Jacky Clements, Information Access and Collection Management Coordinator, Scholarly Information Services / (Menzies) Library
  • Ms Nithiwadee (Wan) Chitravas, Information Access Coordinator, South Asia Southeast Asia and the Middle East, Scholarly Information Services / (Menzies) Library
  • Ms Roxanne Missingham, University Librarian (Chief Scholarly Information Officer), Scholarly Information Services / Library
  • Ms Ruchika Jain, First Secretary (Press Information Culture & Education), High Commission of India, Canberra
  • Ms Arthi Kare, Press Information & Culture Section, High Commission of India, Canberra
  • Associate Professor Peter Friedlander, Deputy Director, Languages, School of Culture, History & Language, CAP
