Important update for EndNote users
EndNote20 is here!
An update to EndNote reference management software is being rolled out. EndNote 20 is being installed on Information Commons computers, and is now available for downloading to personal and ANU managed devices.
What do I need to do?
Personal devices
ANU staff and students can download EndNote 20 via the EndNote Wattle site. Installation instructions for Windows and Mac devices can be found on this website.
ANU managed devices
Windows devices: EndNote 20 is available for download via the Software Centre.
Mac devices: EndNote 20 is available for download via Self Service.
Note: executing v20 will uninstall v19
Information commons
EndNote 20 is being installed across all ANU Information Commons computers. The Mac version is currently undergoing additional repairs, as some Macs still have older versions of EndNote (X8 or X9) as a default.
What do these changes mean?
New features of EndNote 20 include:
- new, modern interface design
- improved reading and editing
- easier annotations to full-sized PDFs
- quick copying and formatting of references
- improved PDF-reading experience
- enhanced, more intuitive searching
- identify duplicates by new criteria: DOI and PMCID.
Style, Connections and Filter files will be available for users to modify their requirements once EndNote 20 is installed. These files can be found on the EndNote Wattle site.
Where can I get help?
If you need help downloading and installing EndNote, the ANU Service Desk can assist with all IT-related issues. They can be reached on (02) 6125 4321, business hours Monday through Friday.