An invitation to share your data from Genevieve Bell

19 Oct 2020

This Open Access Week, we are thrilled to have Distinguished Professor Genevieve Bell relaunch the ANU Data Commons – the University’s own data repository.

The ANU Data Commons collects, maintains, preserves, promotes and disseminates research data. It holds a variety of research data about research projects, research datasets, services and researchers.

Genevieve Bell was excited to share this news with the ANU community.

“More than ever, we are living in a data-driven, digital world. Everything we do produces data, and at the same time data is shaping our world and our futures,” said Professor Bell

“Data can reveal to us valuable lessons, opportunities and insights. But to unlock that information, what we do with the data - how we use it, store it and share it - is all extraordinarily important.”

We hope you will all visit the ANU Data Commons and browse through the existing collection of Open Access data. And if you are producing research data, you should consider depositing it in the ANU Data Commons!


Why should I deposit my data?

There are many benefits of open access data publishing, including:

  • improving the reach, usage and impact of your data
  • gaining a persistent web address which can be used for ongoing citation purposes
  • meeting the requirements of funding bodies, publishers and the University
  • preserving your data for future use
  • improving your ability to manage and promote data.

What kind of data can be deposited?

Data from research that is undertaken by ANU staff or students can be deposited.

Your college, funders or publishers may recommend a discipline-specific repository for your data. But if none are available, ANU staff and students can deposit their research data in the Data Commons.

ANU Library staff can provide advice on the best place for your data to be deposited.

How do I deposit my data?

The ANU Data Commons has recently been upgraded, making the process of data storage more user friendly and intuitive.

Instructions for uploading your data are outlined on the webpage. If you require any further assistance, you can speak with helpful ANU Library staff at
