Library hail damage and roof repair update

19 May 2022

The 2020 hailstorm cause damaged to a large number of buildings on the ANU campus including ANU Library buildings. Many institutions in Acton and Parks also had roof damage and building work has commenced on only some of the buildings in the Parliamentary triangle.

Both the JB Chifley Library and the Law Library suffered significant damage. The RG Menzies Library roof was also damaged during this storm.

The ANU Hail Remediation Team have worked tirelessly to engage contractors, work on insurance matters and the many planning issues. Their work on this project has been significant. There have been delays due to COVID and now additional delays in receiving building materials due to the current interruption to global shipping. 

Over the past two years, temporary actions to mitigate any additional damage have included:

  • Temporary covers on the roofs
  • Perspex protection on level 4 in the JB Chifley Library in areas where water is leaking in
  • Heavy weight plastic and containers in place to stop water from damaging the print collections.

We have suffered some collection loss as well and we are doing all we can to protect the collection and ensure the safety of students and staff.

The copper panels coming from Europe that are needed for roof repairs have now been delayed by 24 weeks. Unfortunately, this shipping delay means that the roof replacement is not likely to commence until after winter.

We thank you for your support and patience during this process and we will continue to keep you informed of any further changes.


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