Art & Music - progress report on building works and reopening

15 May 2024

The Art & Music Library will be reopening after the construction work is completed.

Essential building works on the Art & Music Library continue, with the current state of the space shown in the below photos taken last week. 

Noting that the compactus needs to be relocated, Library staff are continuing to ensure accessibility to the library's extensive collection for staff and students. 

As indicated by the photos, extensive works still need to be done in order for the space to be safe and functional.

When we have a firm date for the reopening of the Art and Music Library space the ANU community will be advised. In the meantime regular updates will continue to be published.  The construction team are working on all the issues that require attention.

We will continue to advise with regular updates as we work towards completion of these essential works.

The majority of the collection in the compactus is available through Click & Collect. If you require access to any items that are not available via Click & Collect, please email