New digital home for student research in ANU Open Research Repository

15 Sep 2016

Coursework students at The Australian National University (ANU) can now publish their research in the University’s Open Research Repository following the creation of the Student Output collection.

The new collection, the culmination of a successful project between Student Experience and Career Development and the ANU Library, provides a dedicated digital space for the research outputs of ANU undergraduate, Honours and postgraduate coursework students.

University Librarian, Roxanne Missingham, said this is an exciting addition to the Repository.

“The ANU Library is committed to supporting scholarly communication and publishing, and we are thrilled to provide this service for our coursework students.

“The new collection will give our undergraduate, Honours and postgraduate coursework students a way to publish their research and have an open access link to include on their resumes or list of publications.”

The first item uploaded to the collection was the conference proceedings from the second ANU Student Research Conference, with other Conference materials such as synopses; slides and posters of award-winning and highly commended presentations; recordings; photographs, and artefacts to follow.
