Privacy Awareness Week 2024

18 Apr 2024

It’s Privacy Awareness Week from 6 to 12 May 2024.

The theme this year is ‘Power up your privacy’. It’s a great reminder to think about your personal privacy, both online and in the real world. With a few simple actions, you can make things safer for yourself and people close to you.


Privacy for ANU staff

Here are some steps you can take to ensure you are up to date with current privacy protection practices:

If you handle personal information for teaching, research and other University business you are required to comply with the ANU Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

For more information about privacy matters at ANU, including data breaches and privacy impact assessments visit the ANU Privacy site or contact the ANU Privacy Office for support.


Privacy for ANU students

Power up your privacy by thinking about how you can better protect your personal information and use this week to check out these privacy resources.

ANU recognises that your privacy is very important and will handle your personal information in accordance with the ANU Privacy Policy.

If you are ever concerned about your privacy at ANU, you may contact the ANU Privacy Office for support.


