Update on hail repairs

27 Apr 2023

Chifley Library 

  • Level 4 is open! Thank you for your patience during this process. We are happy to welcome students back to all levels of the Chifley Library. 
  • The last of the roof scaffolding will come off this week with roofing works nearing completion. 
  • The scaffolding will be removed completely in roughly 6-weeks (depending on weather conditions) 
  • This week and next week, exclusion zones will be in place between 4am and 10am to allow for scaffolding to be dropped for the eaves work. 
  • Eaves are getting removed and replaced within the next 3-4 weeks. 
  • The construction team and Library staff are discussing an upcoming half-day closure of Chifley during a required power shutdown. We will keep you updated on when this will occur. 
  • As works near completion, the hail repair working group for Chifley will meet less frequently. 

Law Library  

  • Discussions are ongoing with the construction team regardingplanned roof repairs to the Law building. 
  • It is likely that roof repairs impacting the Law Library will commence in late 2023. 
  • We will keep you updated as this project progresses. 

Visit the hail repair updates webpage for more information about upcoming works. 

Please get in touch with Library staff if you have any questions or concerns. 


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