Update on hail repairs - Chifley Library

17 Sep 2022

The 2020 hailstorm caused damage to a large number of buildings on the ANU campus, including ANU Library buildings.

Work to repair the Chifley Library roof will commence on Tuesday 20 September.

Below is a schedule of works and what can be expected during this process.

Worksite is established

Tuesday 20 to Friday 23 September

  • Installation of signage, site fencing, external balcony tile protection.
  • Services locating.
  • Geotechnical testing to the ground outside the A.D. Hope Building.
  • Finalisation of site amenities within the A.D Hope Building.

Scaffolding installation

Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 September

  • A large crane will be on site daily between 7am and 10am.
  • Scaffolding will be delivered.
  • Installation of scaffolding is anticipated to take four weeks.
  • Scaffolding for the balcony over Joplin Lane will be installed early in the morning on Monday 26 September, and is scheduled to finish by 9am.

Impacts during construction

  • The Chifley Library will remain open and have staff available to assist you during this period.
  • There will be periods of loud metal-on-metal banging while scaffolding is installed. We recommend you use one of our other branches during this time if quiet study is preferred. 
  • All timeframes are approximate, and there may be delays depending on weather conditions and other site factors.

Stay informed of any further changes on the ANU Library website and social media channels.

The ANU Library thanks you for your support and patience during this process. Please get in touch with Library staff if you have any questions or concerns. 


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