Update on hail repairs - Chifley Library

19 Jan 2023

Work to repair the Chifley Library roof has commenced again for 2023. Regular updates will continue to be provided here for the duration of this project. 

Update on work 

  • A large crane was onsite on Saturday 13 January – it weighed 250t and had over a 90m reach. This event went well, and many packs of materials were loaded. 
  • A significant portion of the metal roofing (around 70%) has been completed. The Western gable end is left. 
  • An environmentalist has taken samples of the carpet on Level 4 to assist with the scope for carpet replacement. 
  • The temporary parenting room wall and door has been installed. Loose items such as a fridge, sign, microwave, and change table will be delivered shortly. 

Upcoming work 

  • Discussions are taking place to discuss adding an additional loading bay above Joplin Lane to assist with construction for the far side of the building.
  • A redundant mechanical unit will be replaced. Hazmat testing of the ductwork for the unit is about to be completed.

Access to Chifley Level 4  

Level 4 of Chifley has been blocked off for safety purposes and will remain inaccessible throughout the construction period. If you require resources from Level 4, please submit a retrieval request. 


Thank you for your patience during this process.  

Please get in touch with Library staff if you have any questions or concerns.


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