Update on hail repairs - Chifley Library

09 Mar 2023

The 2020 hailstorm caused damage to many buildings on the ANU campus, including ANU Library buildings.   

Work to repair the Chifley Library roof is currently taking place. Below is an update on works and what can be expected during this process. All timeframes are approximate, and there may be delays depending on weather conditions and other site factors.   

Update on work 

  • Works are progressing well, and the Chifley roofing project is more than halfway completed. 
  • A 100-tonne crane event took place on Wednesday 8 March. Old copper sheets wereremoved, and new copper was delivered and placed on the loading bay. 
  • Copper box gutters are being installed with the mansard being water-proofed and copper installed shortly. 

Upcoming work 

  • On Friday 10 March, a small city crane will be onsite at the end of Joplin Lane. All relevant stakeholders have been notified. 
  • Internal works to Chifley will start on 20 March, which includes repairs to the ceiling tiles. 

Access to Chifley Level 4 

  • Level 4 of Chifley has been blocked off for safety purposes and will remain inaccessible throughout the construction period. If you require resources from Level 4, please submit a retrieval request.  


Thank you for your patience during this process.    

Please get in touch with Library staff if you have any questions or concerns.


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