Copyright challenges: seeking your views to assist in copyright reform

06 Jan 2021

Improving the legislation to better balance the needs of students and creators is vital for effective research and education

Have you had trouble using material for your study/research because of copyright issues?

We want to hear from YOU. We will be taking part in a consultation on proposed changes to copyright legislation, and your feedback will help us advocate for students and researchers!

Proposed reforms to copyright legislation

Last year the Government announced proposed reforms to simplify and update Australian copyright legislation to “better support the needs of Australians and public institutions to access material in an increasingly digital environment”.

This is relevant for postgraduate students who have not been able to use material in their thesis or other works because of legislation restrictions. These restrictions have been particularly problematic for those using audio visual material, as using the 10% rule or identifying rights holders can be complex.

How these reforms will help you

Proposed reforms that will significantly assist students include:

  • new fair dealing exceptions for quoting copyright material for non-commercial purposes, or if the use is of immaterial commercial value to the product or service in which it is used
  • allowing the use of copyright material where:
    • a reasonably diligent search has been undertaken, but the copyright owner cannot be identified or located (known as an ‘orphan work’), and
    • as far as reasonably possible, the work has been clearly attributed to the author.
  • removing the current limitations and uncertainties around the use of copyright material in classroom teaching and ensuring that learning activities which can be undertaken on school, TAFE or university premises can also take place outside the premises.

Universities Australia and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) are keen to have information that identifies the nature of the impediments to education and research, and the nature of the effect of the proposed reforms. Improving the legislation to better balance the needs of students and creators is vital for effective research and education.

So, how can I help?

We would like to hear from you to understand any problems you have had using material in your studies. This information will be important for the consultation that will occur on the proposed changes to legislation.

  • Have you been unable to use material for your study because of copyright issues?
  • Have you been unable to use material for your research because of copyright issues?
  • Have there been problems incorporating material in your thesis or other outputs because of issues in relation to copyright?

If you have had issues, please contact the University’s Copyright Officer, Roxanne Missingham. We’d love to hear from you!

+61 2 6125 2003
