Read the latest news articles and featured stories from the Library.
Welcome to our new Vice Chancellor
The Scholarly Information Services (SIS) Division is excited to welcome our new Vice Chancellor, Distinguished Professor Genevieve Bell. With a stellar career encompassing academia and the tech industry in Silicon Valley, Professor Bell…

Hail repair update - end of 2023
Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding during repair work this year.Art & Music LibraryInformation has gone out about the changes to the Art & Music Library. Keep reading On Campus and the Library website for information and…
Update on Art & Music collections
The Art & Music Library building is now closed during the planned roof repair works. However, please know you will continue to have access to the Art & Music collections and subject specialist staff. ANU Library staff are in the…

Changes to the Art & Music Library building
From Friday 8 December the Art & Music Library will be closed because of the hail remediation work on the building.Following that, the Art & Music Library services will operate from the Chifley Library on an ongoing basis and be available 24…

Menzies Library – upcoming closures
You will have noticed the scaffolding around Menzies Library for the past few months. This has been to enable essential repairs to the roof following the damaging hailstorm of 2020. We have reached the stage in the repair process where…

ANU Library invests in new collection about Asia’s Colonial history
Following requests from researchers in the College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP), the ANU Library has added an exciting new resource from GALE’s Primary Sources collection as part of the Chifley Flood Replacement project: State Papers…

Digitisation Update 14 November 2023
The ANU Library Digitisation Team are continuing to digitise rare and special materials from the ANU Library and ANU Archives.This update details some of the recent items digitised as part of the ongoing ANU digitisation project.More information…

Hail repair update
Menzies LibraryUpper roof is now completescaffolding is being dropped and removed from the upper roof starting 27 Novembera crane will be onsite Monday 27 Novemberwork on the lower roof is progressing well. The copper won't be installed until the…
ANU Print Repository relocation
Did you know that the majority of the ANU Library’s print collection is stored off-site?Most print journals and lesser-used items are stored in the ANU Print Repository. This collection takes up around 45kms of shelving! Starting Monday 13…

ANU Library invests in major collections for Early Modern Studies research
The ANU Library has recently added a huge and exciting range of new resources to our collection!Following requests from researchers in the Centre of Early Modern Studies (CEMS) and College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS), the ANU Library has…